To Self-refer to the following services, please click on the links or scan the QR Codes displayed below
Sexual Health
Leicester Sexual Health offers support, guidance and treatment on STIs, Free Pregnancy Testing, Contraception, Emergency Contraception, HIV PEP and PREP, Psychosexual Counselling, Sexual Violence, and Domiciliary Services.
Please click the following link to learn more:
Alternatively you can scan the QR code:

The Musculoskeletal (MSK) Therapy service aims to improve movement and restore function. Our staff are specialists in examination, treatment and management for people with musculoskeletal problems.
The MSK therapy service is available in community hospitals, health centres and several GP practices across Leicestershire.
Please click the following link to learn more:
Alternatively you can scan the QR code:

Mental Health
In partnership with the NHS, Vita Health Group provide Talking Therapies services to adults 16-years and over, who live and are registered with a GP in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
We all experience times when we feel like we can’t cope, sometimes this can start to affect our everyday lives and prevent us from doing the things we normally do.
If you are experiencing excessive worry, low mood, depression, anxiety or a lack of motivation then Vita Health can help.
Please click the following link to learn more:
Alternatively you can scan the QR code:

Treatments range from corn, callous and nail treatment to the extremely specialised ‘high risk’ cases such as diabetic foot ulcer care, nail surgery, complex biomechanical assessment and treatment, through to provision of insoles and orthotics.
Treatment plans are individual to the user, aiming to resolve the problem or at least reach a level of maintenance and comfort; they also include personalised education, strongly promoting self-care.
Please click the following link to learn more:
Alternatively you can scan the QR code:

Midwife Service
It is very important that you contact a community midwife as soon as possible, so that she can discuss your options and choices with you, and together you can begin to plan your care.
Ideally, you should be seen by eight to ten weeks of pregnancy.
Please click the following link to learn more:
Alternatively you can scan the QR code: