About our Patient Participation Group [PPG]
Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) are made up of volunteers interested in healthcare issues which meet to decide ways and means of making a positive contribution to the services and facilities offered by the surgery to patients.
Read the latest Newsletter
What is the PPG?
Founded in 2009, the PPG consists of a representative group of patients who meet every two months, with the Practice Manager and a member of the medical team.
Our current Membership is:
- Vas Darji
- Michael Griffiths
- Neena Lakhani
- Keith Libetta
- Naresh Madhvani
- Ginder Narle
- Jay Patel
What do we do?
We aim to help the Croft team to improve and support patient services by representing your queries and responding to national and local developments.
Each year we conduct a Patient Satisfaction Survey and then work with the Practice to make changes in line with the findings.
How do we set our agenda?
The Practice suggests areas of discussion, but most issues are raised by you! We need you to communicate with us,so that we are aware of particular concerns and opinions. Email or paper comments welcome – and fill in our questionnaires.
How do we inform patients of our activities?
The quarterly newsletter is our main form of communication. This can be picked up at the surgery or e-mailed to you directly(ask at the desk for details). We also have a dedicated PPG board at the practice with useful information to support the patients and our activities.
To subscribe to an electronic version of the newsletter please add your details on our homepage. Don’t forget to click the save button after adding your details.
Contacting the PPG
Please email the PPG on ppgcroft@gmail.com to contact us about general patient service issues you would like us to address.
Please note : The above email address is NOT for complaints or specific patient related issues such as medical issues or otherwise. You must contact the practice directly for this.
Please note PPG is not a forum for individual complaints or for single issue campaigns. We are looking for the proactive engagement of patients across all age groups.
If you are interested in applying to be on our PPG please ask the receptionist for an application form.
PPG Meeting Minutes
Meetings of all PPG meetings will be uploaded here on a regular basis.
PPG Reports
Reports and Action Plans
The Practice and the Patient Participation Group produce reports on an annual basis and also as a result of any surveys they may carry out.
Please see the attachments below that can be downloaded.