Our surgery is closed between 12.30pm and 1.30pm but contactable on 0116 2711740.
All other times that we are closed, please call the 111 Service – just dial 111 when it is not an emergency or visit www.nhs.uk/111 for more information.
Remember, there are other services – visit the Choose Better website for more information.
Improving Access to General Practice: Early Morning and Evening Appointments now Available
From March 2019 everyone in England will benefit from access to general practice appointments in the early morning and evenings at a time that is most convenient to them. This is part of a national drive to help improve access to general practice and get the best possible outcomes for patients.
Further information is available at www.england.nhs.uk/gpaccess
Patients who are registered at this practice can now book an appointment with a GP on weekday early morning (before 8am) and evenings (after 6.30pm). Talk to the practice receptionist to find out more or book an appointment.